About Me

My name is Brian. I’m a homebody who loves to travel. This blog is here to share my experiences with you. From recipes to travel and lots in-between.

My immediate family lives in Oklahoma and I travel there often. My network of friends spans the globe… my global perspective is extremely important to me. I believe international experiences are crucial to our understanding of the world.

Why this blog? I want to share my journey with you.


I live in Orlando, Florida. I was born and raised in Northern California. I worked for the Walt Disney Company for an accumulation of seven years. I graduated from the University of Central Oklahoma. I lived in Brazil for one year. I have many places I call “home” and each one is special in its own way.

I love to cook. I enjoy experimenting with different cooking methods like sous vide and pressure cooking. From time-to-time I might even share recipes that are worth passing on.

I enjoy interior design and making the space I’m in comfortable. I’m not sure how much interior design will show up on this blog, but there might be times when I mix it in.


I’ve been to 30 US states, including Hawaii. I have traveled to Canada, cruised on Disney Cruise Lines to the Bahamas, spent time in Portugal and France… and I’m ready to travel more.

Travel doesn’t have to be expensive. We are living in a golden age of domestic and international travel. With airlines like Frontier and Norwegian Air, flights to destinations across the globe are extremely affordable. All you need is a passport and a backpack. Travel is for everyone. I want to show how accessible it is, and that you can do it well on a modest budget.


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